License of Wise Wolves Payment Institution

In the Republic of Cyprus the provision of payment services and execution of money transfers is regulated by the Provision and Use of Payment Services and Access to Payment Systems Law of 2018 ("Law"), which transposed into national law the provisions of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Counsil of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market (commonly known as PSD2).
Only an authorised by competent authority of home European Member State payment service provider (authorised credit institution or authorised payment institution or authorised e-money institution) can provide payment services in European Union. The competent authority for authorization and supervision of payment service providers in Cyprus is the Central Bank of Cyprus. To be authorised, a payment service provider must comply with highest standards, preconditions and requirements set by European regulatory authorities, i.e. to possess adequate equipment, software, internal control mechanisms, to be able to strictly observe the minimum amount of own funds. As well, an assessment of suitability and adequacy of organizational structure, individual suitability of each member of management body and key function holders, suitability of qualifying holders is to be performed by a competent authority.
Wise Wolves Payment Institution Limited has obtained in a due course of company’s assessment by the Central Bank of Cyprus, the Authorisation (license) for provision of payment services to its customers.
Being a customer of WWPI, you can use your account with us for your day-to-day payment transactions, i.e.:
- Place funds* on your account
- Execute payment transactions to the third parties
- Receive payment transactions from the third parties
* except cash
Payment transactions can be executed to/received from accounts kept with other payment service providers (banks, e-money institutions, payment institutions) or, of course, to/from accounts kept with WWPI.